Gen Z Characteristics: Who They Are & What Defines Gen Z

What is Generation Z?
Generation Z has emerged as a population increasingly worthy of attention, especially now as its older members are in their 20s and have become a politically engaged force in recent elections. Born after 1996, Generation Zers made up one-tenth of the 2020 electorate and have added 8.3 million newly eligible voters since November 2022 — reaching an estimated 41 million total eligible voters in 2024. While they share a number of characteristics with millennials, their formative years have been shaped by a drastically different world, resulting in key differences in attitudes, tendencies and outlook. Statistics compiled by the Pew Research Center and the KIDS COUNT® Data Center paint a clear picture. Here’s what we know.
Demographics of Generation Z
One of the core characteristics of Generation Z is racial diversity. As America’s demographics continue to shift, Gen Z will be the last generation that is a majority white — just barely, with 51%.
The younger Generation Alpha, born 2013 to 2025, is 48% white and on track to be the most diverse generation yet. On the other hand, much larger shares of the older millennials, Gen Xers and baby boomers are white: 55%, 60% and 72%, respectively.
Gen Z is more racially and ethnically diverse than older generations, with:
- 15% Black;
- 6% Asian American or Pacific Islander;
- 5% two or more races; and
- 2% American Indian or Alaska Native young people.
As Gen Zers grew up over the past two decades, children in immigrant families grew more common, too, rising from 19% of the country’s child population in the early 2000s to 25% in 2021.
For many Gen Zers, the backdrop of their early years included the country’s first Black president and the legalization of gay marriage. They are more likely to have grown up amid diverse family structures — whether in a single-parent household, a multiracial household, or a household in which gender roles were blurred. As a result, they are less fazed than previous generations by differences in race, sexual orientation or religion.
Generation Z is the most educated generation yet, with 57% of 18—21-year-olds enrolled in college in 2022, compared to 52% of Millennials at the same age. Many prioritize practical education, with increased interest in trade schools and certifications. Employment trends show Gen Z values flexibility and purpose in their careers, often favoring gig work or freelance opportunities; in 2023, 46% of Gen Z workers participated in the gig economy. They also prioritize mental health and work-life balance, considering these factors critical when choosing jobs. These trends are reshaping education and workplace landscapes.
Generation Z and Technology
Another characteristic of Generation Z is their native use of technology. Whereas millennials were considered “digital pioneers,” who bore witness to the explosion of technology and social media, Gen Z was born into a world of peak technological innovation — where information was immediately accessible and social media increasingly ubiquitous.
These technological advancements have had both positive and negative effects on Gen Z. On the plus side: an abundance of information is at their fingertips, allowing Gen Zers to broaden their knowledge, access resources and be proactive in their learning. Social media can also offer social support from peers or others, which may be especially beneficial for marginalized young people, such as sexual and gender minorities. On the other hand, too much screen time is linked to depression and anxiety, low self-esteem and poor body image, eating disorder behaviors, inadequate sleep and other health problems. Additionally, technology is changing the economy and the nature of work, increasingly requiring postsecondary education to prepare young people for new jobs, leaving many low-income Gen Zers vulnerable as they enter the workforce.
Gen Z is Pragmatic and Financially Minded
Financial mindedness is another core characteristic of Generation Z. Many Gen Zers grew up watching their parents take huge financial hits during the Great Recession. Having witnessed their parents’ struggles, this generation is driven by pragmatism and security.
While millennials came of age during an economic boom, Gen Zers were shaped by the economic pressures their families and communities faced, like the financial stress of the rental market. Thus, they value the stability that comes with conservative spending, stable jobs and smart investments.
Gen Z Faces Mental Health Challenges
Mental health challenges are a sad characteristic of Generation Z, which has been referred to by some as the “loneliest generation,” as their near-constant hours spent online can foster feelings of isolation and depression, among other mental health issues, as noted. Surprisingly, a recent Stanford study found that most Gen Zers prefer in-person communication.
More screen time obviously means less time spent cultivating meaningful relationships. Additionally, many young people fall prey to the “compare and despair” trap that social media presents.
Read more about Social Media’s Concerning Effects on Teen Mental Health
Gen Z youth value self-care and are concerned about their mental health. They also find their mental health affected by the turbulent state of the world. As political activism among Gen Z has increased, many Gen Zers have internalized the unrest surrounding issues like gun control, police brutality and climate change — leading to increased levels of stress. Additional societal crises and stressors have had an impact, too, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing cost of living.
Financial Traits of Gen Z
As consumers, Gen Z’s behavior reflects their values — and the influence of an increasingly digital world. Gen Z kids can rely on their tech savvy and extensive social media platforms to make informed purchasing decisions. Their pragmatism leads them to explore and evaluate a range of options before settling on a product. In addition, they are more likely to be swayed by the recommendations of real-life users than by celebrity endorsements.
In much the same way that Gen Zers use social media as a means to curate their own personal brand, they also look at their purchasing decisions as an expression of their values and identity. As an example, they are drawn to sustainable products and brands — and are often willing to pay more for them. They value personalized products, and they are drawn to brands that share their point of view on political issues.
Gen Z is Politically Progressive — Even Those on the Right
Most generations tend to be more left-leaning than the previous generation, and Gen Z is no exception. While Gen Zers look a lot like millennials on many key issues, they are the most politically progressive generation yet. They are the generation most likely to see the advancement of LGBTQ rights as a positive development. Even among Republicans, Gen Zers take a more progressive stance on social issues: they agree that Black Americans are treated more unfairly in this country, they believe the government should play a greater role in solving problems and they are more likely to attribute climate change to human activity, as opposed to natural patterns.
Continue Learning About Generation Z
Gen Z is still growing up, but as they continue to come of age, early signs indicate that they will grow into engaged, conscientious stewards of our world — by being socially-minded, independent thinkers, who recognize their responsibility in shaping a more equitable future for all.
More Resources on Generation Z
Go to the KIDS COUNT Data Center for the latest statistics on children of all ages, including a new dataset on youth and young adults ages 14 to 24, capturing the majority of Gen Zers.
- 2023 KIDS COUNT Data Book
- What the Statistics Say About Generation Z
- Social Issues That Matter to Generation Z
- Generation Z and Mental Health
- Statistics Snapshot: Generation Z and Education
- What is Generation Alpha?
- Social Media’s Concerning Effect on Teen Mental Health
New KIDS COUNT Data Center indicators on Gen Z and other generations:
- Population size by Gen Alpha, Gen Z, millennials, Gen X and baby boomers, by race and ethnicity
- People living in poverty by generation
- People living in poverty by generation and race and ethnicity
- People living in low-income households by generation
- People living in low-income households by generation and race and ethnicity
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