(More) Education Required
In the 1970s, 3 in 4 jobs required a high-school education or less. Today, 2 in 3 jobs require at least some postsecondary education or training.
Funded by the Annie E. Casey and Joyce foundations, this report examines educational and employment disparities in the United States and highlights policies, programs and strategies designed to improve current and future work for lower-wage individuals and their families.
Twelve case studies fill the report and fit into 1 of 3 categories: 1) strategies that prepare young people for jobs that provide family-sustaining wages; 2) responses to concerns about worker power and agency amid a rising tide of gig and contract work; and 3) state and local policies that address wages, work and a changing economic environment.
This report features practical and scalable approaches to equipping workers — especially those most vulnerable to the changing economy — with the education, skills and experiences they need to build meaningful careers and earn family-sustaining wages.