Webinar To Examine Three Key Fiscal Elements for Using the Family First Act

Posted October 3, 2019
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Learn how to design and finance services to keep kids out of the child welfare system

On Wednes­day, Nov. 13, the Annie E. Casey and William T. Grant foun­da­tions will host a webi­nar on three key fis­cal ele­ments that child wel­fare lead­ers should under­stand to use the Fam­i­ly First Pre­ven­tion Ser­vices Act to bet­ter serve chil­dren and families.

Reg­is­ter for this webinar

Dur­ing the ses­sion ― part of the Lead­ing With Evi­dence webi­nar series ― experts will share their insights on design­ing and financ­ing ser­vices to pre­vent chil­dren and young peo­ple from becom­ing involved in the child wel­fare system.

Mar­garet Fly­nn-Khan of Main­spring Con­sult­ing will pre­view a tool being pilot­ed with sev­er­al states that helps child wel­fare lead­ers ana­lyze the fis­cal impli­ca­tions of pre­ven­tion ser­vices. Par­tic­i­pants will learn about key con­sid­er­a­tions for estimating:

  1. the costs of evi­dence-based pro­grams as well as case man­age­ment and oth­er admin­is­tra­tive support;
  2. the rev­enues to off­set costs, includ­ing pro­ject­ing the Title IV‑E rev­enue that a state can draw down and con­sid­er­ing oth­er poten­tial sources of rev­enue, such as Med­ic­aid; and
  3. pro­ject­ed cost sav­ings in spend­ing on out-of-home place­ments and relat­ed admin­is­tra­tive costs gen­er­at­ed by suc­cess­ful imple­men­ta­tion of pre­ven­tion services.

The Lead­ing With Evi­dence series explores how child wel­fare lead­ers, researchers and pro­gram devel­op­ers can work togeth­er to fur­ther the use of evi­dence in the child wel­fare field.

Reg­is­ter for the Webinar

Reg­is­ter for the webinar

What: Plan­ning for Fam­i­ly First Pre­ven­tion Ser­vices: Three Key Fis­cal Ele­ments to Consider

When: Wednes­day, Nov. 13, 2019, at 1 p.m. EDT

Pass­word: Fiscal
