Advancing understanding of evidence-based programs
Developing and promoting evidence-based programs that support healthy youth development
In the past 30 years, researchers have identified a number of programs that have a positive impact on kids and families. Search Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development to identify cost-effective and proven programs.
Casey invests in adapting, replicating and evaluating promising programs, especially those that can be used to keep kids from unnecessarily entering the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
We also provide consultations to policymakers and public and private agency leaders about steps they can take to support the use of evidence-based programs.
Team Decision Making (TDM) is a promising child welfare strategy that involves children and families, their support networks and professionals in all decisions related to child placement. Casey is funding an evaluation to identify which TDM components are essential to improving outcomes for young people.
Demonstrating that public systems and communities can partner to improve kids’ well-being at a community level.
Casey is developing and testing a new platform to guide public system investment in evidence-based programs, called Evidence2Success. In 2012, Casey selected Providence, Rhode Island, and the Providence Children and Youth Cabinet to implement and improve the platform before making it available in additional sites.
A longitudinal evaluation of the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative is examining the impact of policies and practices on the well-being of young people who are aging out of foster care. To date, research has linked policy and practice changes to higher graduation and GED rates in several states, and to increased access to health insurance in Iowa.