Webinar Offers Strategies for Maximizing Equity With the Family First Act

Posted May 6, 2019
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog webinaroffersstrategiesformaximizing 2019

A new webi­nar record­ing focus­es on lever­ag­ing the Fam­i­ly First Pre­ven­tion Ser­vices Act to advance equi­ty in child wel­fare systems.

The 60-minute ses­sion, host­ed by the Annie E. Casey and William T. Grant foun­da­tions, includes dis­cus­sion about:

  • How to ensure that all chil­dren and fam­i­lies can ben­e­fit from Fam­i­ly First pro­gram selec­tions, despite a dearth of evi­dence-based pro­grams focused on fam­i­lies of color.
  • Ways state and local agen­cies have engaged fam­i­lies and com­mu­ni­ties in design­ing a con­tin­u­um of care that address­es the needs of young peo­ple of col­or and LGBTQ youth.
  • How to cul­ti­vate com­mu­ni­ty sup­port for pro­grams that pre­vent the need for fos­ter care or help kids grow up in fam­i­lies while in fos­ter care.

Watch the Webi­nar on Pro­mot­ing Equi­table Outcomes

Pro­mot­ing Equi­table Out­comes With the Fam­i­ly First Pre­ven­tion Ser­vices Act is the lat­est install­ment in the Lead­ing With Evi­dence webi­nar series. The ses­sions have brought togeth­er child wel­fare lead­ers, researchers and pro­gram devel­op­ers to study and advance the use of evi­dence in the child wel­fare field.

Read or down­load the pre­sen­ta­tion deck from this webinar

Dur­ing the webi­nar, view­ers will hear from:

  • Suzanne Barnard, the session’s mod­er­a­tor and the direc­tor of the Casey Foundation’s Evi­dence-Based Prac­tice Group;
  • Alexan­dra Cit­rin, senior asso­ciate at the Cen­ter for the Study of Social Pol­i­cy; and
  • Megan Mar­tin, vice pres­i­dent, pub­lic pol­i­cy at the Cen­ter for the Study of Social Policy.

Check out oth­er record­ings in the Lead­ing With Evi­dence series