KIDS COUNT Data Center and Data Book

Our signature resources tracking the well-being of children over time and across states in order to provide high-quality, unbiased information and encourage action on behalf of kids and families.

State pol­i­cy envi­ron­ments and bud­get con­straints make pro­tect­ing and expand­ing invest­ments in kids and fam­i­lies dif­fi­cult. Casey’s KIDS COUNT® (LA INFAN­CIA CUEN­TA™) data resources — the KIDS COUNT Data Cen­ter web­site and the annu­al KIDS COUNT Data Book — are crit­i­cal tools in help­ing advo­cates, non­prof­it lead­ers, fun­ders and pol­i­cy­mak­ers achieve tar­get­ed pol­i­cy wins, deliv­er more effec­tive pro­grams and allo­cate funds most appropriately. 

From the Blog

A young asian man looks out the windoww, his chin rests on his folded arms on the ledge; he's wearing a mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health

Discover the profound impact of COVID-19 on mental health, from rising anxiety and depression to the rapid growth of telemedicine.

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Featured KIDS COUNT Data

Ourwork initiatives kidscountdata databook

2013 KIDS COUNT Data Book

The Data Book provides a detailed picture of how children are faring in the United States. We rank states on overall child well-being and in four domains.

Ourwork initiatives kidscountdata raceforresults

Race for Results

The new Race for Results Index compares how children are progressing on key milestones across racial and ethnic groups at the national and state levels.

Ourwork initiatives kidscountdata firsteight

The First Eight

A child’s early development from birth through age 8 is essential to making an effective transition into elementary school and for long-term academic achievement.