Blog Post

Exploring Innovative Solutions to Community Challenges
A podcast series, funded by the Casey Foundation and produced by Lemonada Media, explores solutions to community challenges. Listen to the series.
We partnered with community development initiatives in Buffalo, New York, Columbus, Ohio, and San Antonio, Texas, to improve the quality of schools for kids and build job and parenting skills for the adults in their lives.
A podcast series, funded by the Casey Foundation and produced by Lemonada Media, explores solutions to community challenges. Listen to the series.
A report from the Urban Institute shares lessons, challenges and reflections on the Casey Foundation’s Family-Centered Community Change (FCCC) strategy.
This report is the product of a seven-year formative evaluation of the Casey Foundation’s Family-Centered Community Change (FCCC) initiative. The Urban Institute followed the initiative in Buffalo, New York; Columbus, Ohio; and San Antonio, Texas — from 2013 through the end of grant-funded programming in 2019.
Can public systems integrate services for parents and children to drive community change? A new Casey Foundation webinar explores this question.
On April 29, 2021, the Annie E. Casey Foundation will host a webinar that explores the use of two-generation strategies in its Family-Centered Community Change effort.
The Casey Foundation used strategic coinvesting to support local partnerships in three communities. Watch a webinar to learn more.
The Urban Institute studied Casey’s Family-Centered Community Change effort, focusing on communities that embrace a two-generation approach. Read more.
Watch a Casey webinar to gain insights and lessons from a pair of two-generation programs that aim to serve families and promote racial equity.
What are common lessons learned from evaluating two-generation programs across the country? Watch a Casey webinar to find out.
A two-page infographic outlines the Casey Foundation’s coinvesting approach. Download to explore key lessons from a seven-year evaluation.