Communities where the Foundation has hometown ties and introduces innovative strategies that integrate the best programs and promising approaches for serving children and their families.

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Our Work in Civic Sites

The Foundation’s commitment to community change extends to our backyard: Baltimore, our headquarters, and Atlanta, home to UPS. Our civic sites aim to improve outcomes for kids and families in high-poverty neighborhoods in these cities and identify effective tools and strategies for working with low-income families and communities nationwide. Through public, private and nonprofit partners, we’re addressing the challenges in these places in the following ways:

Weaving together programs and services that support kids and their parents to respond to their needs at the same time

Creating high-quality learning environments for kids from birth and into their school years to help them succeed

Children and families in high-poverty areas frequently lack access to the education and health services that are essential to healthy child development.

Connecting parents and other low-income individuals to job training, education, financial counseling and other services to help them become financially stable

Low-income workers struggle to earn enough to support their families. Finding jobs that pay well and having access to programs and services for child health care, food, income supplements and other necessities can help families make ends meet.

The right education and training can bridge the gap between prospective workers and employers in high-demand industries such as health and construction.

Creating safe communities with strong resident leaders and access to work and educational opportunities, affordable housing and recreational spaces

Living in high-poverty neighborhoods dramatically reduces educational, job and other opportunities for children and families and results in poor life outcomes.

Current Strategies

Atlanta Civic Site

Ourwork initiatives atlantaciviccenter

Working to ensure children and families living in several Southside Atlanta neighborhoods — known collectively as Neighborhood Planning Unit V (NPU-V) — have access to the opportunities needed to thrive: good schools, safe and affordable housing, income and careers.

Baltimore Civic Site

Ourwork initiaitves baltimorecivicsite

Building and investing in public, private and community partnerships to improve education, job opportunities, health and neighborhoods for Baltimore City’s youth and families.

Related Resources

Disposable Children

Researchers surveyed kids incarcerated as adults in Maryland and found a strong common tie: profound childhood trauma. Read more.

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