Six children with backpacks are running in a school building

Equity and Inclusion

Employing data-driven, targeted strategies, programs and resources focused on those children, families and communities who need them most.

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Our Work in Equity and Inclusion

The Foundation’s equity and inclusion portfolio equips the philanthropic sector and policy leaders with tools and resources to advance equitable opportunities for all children, families and communities, regardless of their skin color or community of residence.

Supplying reliable data on race and ethnicity to drive race-aware policies and practices

The issues affecting children and families are complex, and resoures are limited. To help organizations make a difference where it's needed most, we promote the use of data disaggregated by race.

The Race for Results Index, launched in 2014, tracks racially disaggregated data on indicators of well-being for children throughout the United States.

Creating effective tools and promoting practices and responses to longstanding and systemic issues

To target the Foundation's influence and investments on reducing and removing systemic barriers for children and families, we develop the capacity of Foundation staff to reflect on race and ethnicity and advance strategies that connect communities to pathways toward opportunity.

Recognizing child advocates must use many tools to move others to action, we provide ongoing opportunities for peer learning across the network, particularly for leadership development, communications and data development focused on equity and inclusion.

Promoting community-informed and targeted research and sound policies that improve outcomes for all children in the United States

To improve the capacity of the social sector to set an equity- and inclusion-focused research agenda, we provide key investments and scholarship to expand the number of researchers and evaluators of color.

We support opportunities for communities of color affected by public systems to advocate for needed policy reforms and to be an equal voice in community development efforts.

We identify and advocate for policy reforms that support the best practices we uncover through our strategic consulting with public child welfare and juvenile justice systems.

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