Generation Alpha

Gen­er­a­tion Alpha is the first gen­er­a­tion to be born entire­ly with­in the 21st cen­tu­ry. While def­i­n­i­tions vary, the term "Gen­er­a­tion Alpha" typ­i­cal­ly refers to the group of indi­vid­u­als born between 2013 and 2025. This is the gen­er­a­tion after Gen Z. They’re immersed in tech­nol­o­gy and described by diver­si­ty in key areas, includ­ing race and eth­nic­i­ty, fam­i­ly struc­ture and fam­i­ly finances. They’re also the first gen­er­a­tion to expe­ri­ence an ear­ly child­hood defined by the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic.