Room for Improvement
Pre-evolution, CYC was not involved in financing or fundraising. It was also falling short on using effective, tested programs, engaging residents and utilizing youth survey data.
This report examines how the Rhode Island’s Providence Children and Youth Cabinet (CYC) has changed since adopting the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Evidence2Success® framework seven years ago.
During this time frame, CYC — a coalition of organizations, systems, residents and youth organized around community-generated priorities — transitioned from backbone organization to agile and independent intermediary.
CYC’s evolution generated valuable insights — identified and explored in this report — that can help other collective impact programs pursue sustainability and fiscal independence.
The Evidence2Success, developed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, helps communities and public systems work together to: 1) leverage data to better understand how children are doing; 2) identify priority areas and proven programs for these priority areas; and 3) develop financing and action plans to support the selected programs.