Vote Discrimination
Over half of the votes not counted in the 2000 Presidential election were cast by blacks, who represented only 11% of the electorate.
Civic participation is greatest among those with money who own homes and get asked by others to volunteer.That usually leaves most communities of color behind in the political volunteering arena. This 2006 fact sheet brings awareness to the racial side of community volunteering and shows the consequences of not being involved in your community or the political process. This brief is part of a comprehensive Race Matters toolkit. For more information, visit the Race Matters Institute.
Blacks participate in most political activities at a rate equal to or greater than whites (campaigning, contributing, contacting elected officials, registering, and voting) when education, income and occupation are accounted for. In 2004, 31% of whites, 21% of blacks, 19% of Asians and 15% of Latinos volunteered at least once.