Race Matters: Unequal Opportunity in Adolescent Reproductive Health - The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Race Matters: Unequal Opportunity in Adolescent Reproductive Health

Posted January 2, 2006
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
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Discrimination in housing, lending, hiring and education left families of color with fewer resources with which to raise their children. In turn, kids of color had fewer opportunities for health, school or career success leaving them vulnerable to early childbearing. This 2006 fact sheet brings awareness to the issue of racial inequality and teen pregnancy, and provides policy strategies to tackle the issue. This brief is part of a comprehensive Race Matters toolkit. For more information, visit the Race Matters Institute. 

Findings & Stats

Statements & Quotations

Key Takeaway

academic achievement and school involvement reduce the risk of kids having babies

Poverty was a strong indicator for kids having babies and sexual health issues caused by limited access to healthcare and fewer adult role models.