Let Data Do the Talking
In the early stages of JDAI, the Casey Foundation shared data that showed how one site reduced its use of secure detention and saved millions of dollars along the way — all without experiencing a jump in juvenile crime.
This report, the 11th installment in a series devoted to revolutionizing detention programs and practices in America, explains how sites in Casey's Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) set the stage — and ensured enduring success — in their quest to create a kinder, fairer (and cheaper!) juvenile justice system for today’s youth.
This report shares important lessons that JDAI sites learned about promoting and sustaining detention reform. Some of their field-tested tips include: 1) involve key stakeholders, but don’t forget about frontline staff and supervisors; 2) know your (many) audiences; and 3) be patient — and vigilant — when rolling out change.