Promising Practices in Adoption-Competent Mental Health Services

A White Paper

Posted December 30, 2003
By Casey Family Services
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AECF 2003 Promising Practices


Through a literature review, examination of case studies, and feedback from child welfare professionals and adoptive parents, this white paper explores the need for more mental health services that address the unique needs of children in the child welfare system and their adoptive families. 

Findings & Stats

Statements & Quotations

Key Takeaway

Children And Families Need Support After, Not Just During, Adoption

Not all children require mental health services after they have been adopted, but many do. They particularly do if they were in the child welfare system. Even trained mental health professionals do not understand the unique needs and challenges children and families of adoption face. Developing partnerships that involve adoptive parents at all levels, increasing funding for promising programs and services, and advocating for legislative reforms can help ensure these children and families receive the support they need.