3 Health Hurdles
Low-income families face 3 major roadblocks to optimal health. These are: 1) high rates of uninsurance; 2) limited access to care; and 3) an overall poor health status.
This paper outlines clear policy moves and proposed benchmarks in a bid to focus state-level efforts on enhancing the health of low- to moderate-income families and kids.
The publication is part of the Policy Matters project, an initiative by the Center for the Study of Social Policy that aims to develop and promote coherent, comprehensive information about the strength and adequacy of state policies affecting children, families and communities.
This report focuses on state policies that can help low- to moderate-income families overcome a range of barriers to: 1) receive timely, appropriate and coordinated health services; 2) engage in lifestyles that enhance physical and mental well-being; and 3) live in health-supporting environments.