Mixed Returns
A total of 102 local JDAI sites reported results data in 2009. More than 20% of all local JDAI sites failed to report current data on specific indicators assessed in the Results Report.
The first-ever JDAI results report to paint an initiative-wide portrait shows sites achieving significant gains in curbing the use of detention and tens of millions of public and private dollars being invested in support of those efforts. Improved data collection and reporting from JDAI’s 34 grantees enabled the initiative to synthesize detention statistics submitted in September 2009 from the 102 local sites. The report measures the impact of JDAI reforms at those sites in areas such as detention utilization, commitments and placements, and public safety.
While there has been significant improvement in reporting between 2008 and 2009, indicators remain overwhelmingly underreported from year-to-year.