Indiana Results-Based Leadership - The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Indiana Results-Based Leadership

Helping Ex-Offenders Turn Their Lives Around in Marion County, Indiana

Posted January 2, 2010
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
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Since 2001, a dozen communities have used the Annie E. Casey Foundation's Leadership in Action Program (LAP) to develop results-based strategies for improving school readiness, economic well-being of families and strengthening vulnerable neighborhoods. In 2008, Marion County, Indiana became the first community to deploy LAP in order to address the growing problem of reentry into the prison system by ex-offenders. This report provides an overview of the LAP approach and how it has worked to foster teamwork, partnership and achieve tangible results in Marion County.

Findings & Stats

Statements & Quotations

Key Takeaway

Collaboration Among Leaders Yields Better Results

The Leadership in Action program provides a structured, supported process through which communities can work together to develop data-driven strategies to solve their most pressing issues. In Marion County, Indiana, leaders from such diverse groups as the Department of Corrections, elected officials, faith communities and educators came together through LAP to develop creative, innovative strategies for helping ex-offenders successfully reintegrate into the community upon their release from prison that yielded noticeable results within the first two years of implementation.