Not a Focus
State law enforcement academies devote just 1% of their training time to youth issues, most of which is spent on juvenile law.
This executive summary is a resource-packed playbook for juvenile justice reformers. It shares examples and advice aimed at helping Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) sites forge effective partnerships with law enforcement agencies on a number of fronts — from detention screenings to trainings on adolescent development. The goal? Help these sites reduce the use of unnecessary detention while improving public safety outcomes at the same time.
Watch our webinar on engaging law enforcement
In 2021, the Casey Foundation partnered with Strategies for Youth to develop a more robust version of this executive summary.
By actively partnering with law enforcement agencies, JDAI stakeholders can help ensure that law enforcement practices toward youth are more equitable and effective. One particularly promising strategy: Offering training to help law enforcement commanders and patrol officers appreciate the differences between youths and adults.