For the Welfare of Children

Lessons Learned from Class Action Litigation

Posted January 1, 2012
By Center for the Study of Social Policy
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This compendium of papers shows how class action litigation can reform public child welfare systems. The papers are written so policymakers, agency administrators, lawyers and judges can make more informed decisions during class action suits and come out with better practices and policies for the welfare of the child.  It also presents challenges through case studies and discusses the funding aspect of such litigation. 

Findings & Stats

Statements & Quotations

Key Takeaway

The challenges of Implementing Change in Litigated Child Welfare Reform

Implementing a settlement agreement is, at best, extremely difficult. Huge public agencies will be required to overhaul policies and practices while simultaneously continuing to keep work flowing and meet the needs of out-placed children and fragile families. Involved parties should expect problems with implementing any settlement agreement. In addition to large-scale workplace issues, staff may resist reform simply because of the belief that if they implement the changes, it will be an admission of wrong doing.