The Importance of Data
Documenting factors that are contributing to a neighborhood’s decline is a critical aspect of the CDC planning process.
This report summarizes the results of an exchange of ideas among colleagues from San Diego, California, Boston, Massachusetts, and Newark, New Jersey about creating community development corporations (CDCs) that are run by local residents. The exchange, held from August 3-6, 2001, let participants share lessons and experiences in developing expanded, multipurpose CDCs and exposed residents to community planning and action processes. It also defined residents’ roles in CDC development and sustainability, showed how to build relationships with community entities to ensure broad-based support and encouraged a diverse group of residents, leaders, officials and others to support the development of a resident-led CDC.
An important Community Development Corporation program element is using an intergenerational approach to community organizing where adults have an opportunity to pass on their knowledge and experience to youth who, in turn, share visions of what they want to achieve in the future. It's a win/win for all involved.