Collective Impact in Workforce Development: A Working Paper - The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Collective Impact in Workforce Development: A Working Paper

Perspectives From the Field

Posted March 25, 2016
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
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This working paper explores the concept of collective impact in the workforce development field — its successes, limitations and potential for benefiting prospective employees and business alike. Drawing from interviews with experts, this report offers several examples of multisector collaboration and recommendations for implementing such strategies for funders, policymakers and organizations focused on employment and training.

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Key Takeaway

Coordination is key for collective impact

Researchers and practitioners in workforce development have identified five elements central to the success of the collective impact framework: 1) A common agenda focused on outcomes; 2) Shared data-driven decision making; 3) Mutually reinforcing governance structure; 4) Continuous communication; and, 5) Partnerships to help manage administrative supports such as staffing, analytics, logistics and organization.