Children and Family Fellowship Overview

Posted January 1, 2012
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
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Investments in programs and system reform initiatives alone have been insufficient to accelerate measurable and lasting improvements in child and family well-being. Acting on this ambition, the Casey Foundation developed the Children and Family Fellowship, a 20-month executive leadership program for accomplished professionals. The Fellowship strives to increase the pool of diverse, visionary leaders with the confidence and competence to lead and sustain major system reforms and community change initiatives that benefit large numbers of children and families.

Findings & Stats

Statements & Quotations

Key Takeaway

The role of the Children and Family Fellowship

Launched nearly 20 years ago, the Children and Family Fellowship is the Casey Foundation’s signature program for developing the potential of leaders at the helm of public and nonprofit organizations working to improve outcomes for children. The Fellowship aims to support, strengthen and nurture leaders representative of the communities and people who are served by public and nonprofit systems. We seek Fellows from varied personal, racial, ethnic and professional backgrounds.