Evidence Levels
The Every Student Succeeds Act recognizes four levels of evidence: Strong; Moderate; Promising; Demonstrates a Rationale.
This quick-start guide provides State Education Agencies (SEAs) a brief overview of the self-study process for identifying evidence-based iInterventions for school improvement. This process helps SEAs to identify appropriate and relevant interventions that may be implemented in schools requiring comprehensive or targeted support. The quick-start guide provides an overview of the purpose of the document, a description of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) levels of evidence, a description of the self-study process and screen shots of each of the tools which are available and described in more detail in the full SEA Guide for Identifying Evidence-Based Interventions for School Improvement.
The Quick-Start Guide is intended to help State Education Agencies (SEAs) begin the self-study process quickly. Self-study is a process that facilitates thoughtful investigation and discussion of an issue or topic so a collaboration of stakeholders can make prudent decisions.