Economic Boost
In 2000, the Earned Income Tax Credit helped lift 4.8 million Americans — including 2.6 million kids — out of poverty.
This issue of AdvoCasey starts with an article examining the academic transformation of schools in Houston, then delivers a story on Chicago’s Child-Parent Centers before moving to Miami to spotlight innovative treatments for substance-using teens. The final story lands in Tulsa, Okla., and tells how a local nonprofit is helping working poor families avoid expensive tax preparation fees, maximize refunds and save for the future.
AdvoCasey is a seasonal publication of the Foundation that covers some serious ground. Each themed issue spotlights programs and policies that have made measurable differences in the lives of kids and families.
Poor and minority students are making significant academic gains in large cities across America. And, while school districts are employing different strategies to succeed, they share a common bond: They’ve rejected the notion that factors like poverty, poor nutrition and weak parental support are to blame for academic failure.