A Chartbook on Latino Adolescent Reproductive Health

A Future With Promise

Posted December 24, 2004
By University of California, San Francisco
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This publication draws on a wide range of research to present education, immigration and health facts related to the sexual wellness of Latino youth. The goal is simple: Give readers a richer and more nuanced look into these teens’ lives while informing policy and practice to better support their reproductive health needs.

Findings & Stats

Statements & Quotations

Key Takeaway

There is no one-size-fits-all Latino culture — nor is there a generic program design that serves all Latino youth

When it comes to the reproductive health of Latinos, national origin and generational status matter. For instance: Mexican-origin teens have higher birth rates than their Cuban-origin counterparts. And while only 42% of students who immigrated from Mexico report using contraception the first time they had sex, this rate jumps to 52% for second-generation students and even higher — to 56% — for their third-generation peers.