
Reports, case studies and more from the Casey Foundation and its partners.

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Beyond the Boundaries

November 1, 2003

This document explains the Faith Communities and Urban Families Project conducted in four communities. The document includes summary information as well as descriptions of the...

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Improving Outcomes for Children with Special Needs

November 1, 2003

This report outlines what it takes to address the needs of kids with disabilities in the state of Rhode Island and what the consequences are for both children and their families...

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Education Policy and the Jobs Initiative: Part Three

October 27, 2003

This paper is the third in a series of Jobs Initiative issue briefs. It looks at the results of the Annie E. Casey Foundation's Jobs Initiative and its implications for public...

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Policy Matters: Setting and Measuring Benchmarks for State Policies

October 26, 2003

This paper outlines clear policy moves and proposed benchmarks in a bid to focus state-level efforts on enhancing the health of low- to moderate-income families and kids. The...

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Casey Connects: Fall 2003

September 23, 2003

This issue of Casey Connects highlights why immigrants are so important to America’s economy and how the Foundation is working to boost community engagement among these...

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Resident Engagement and Leadership to Improve Results

August 18, 2003

This toolkit contains results-based case studies from 6 countries showing resident-engaging community change strategies that can be adapted to work in other localities.

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Community Investments for Family Economic Success

August 11, 2003

An overview of strategies, tools and resources that can help trigger new or improved housing, commercial/retail and infrastructure investment in low-income communities.

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A hand holding a pen sits above an open notebook.

Assessing the KIDS COUNT Composite Index

August 11, 2003

Researchers ask if the 10-item KIDS COUNT Index is an effective gauge of child well-being. Read about their findings.

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A mother watches over her elementary-age son, who is sitting at a table using a pencil to write in a notebook.

Recent Changes in the Percent of Children Living in Single-mother Families

July 7, 2003

This paper shares data on America’s changing family structure, including how the share of kids living with single moms is shrinking. Explore the data.

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