
Reports, case studies and more from the Casey Foundation and its partners.

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Tapping the Power of Social Networks

January 2, 2006

This report examines research and observations around the power of social networks, including the relationship between social networks and key results of the Making Connections...

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School Readiness, Full-Day Kindergarten, and Student Achievement

January 2, 2006

Using data from Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998–1999, this report examines the relationship between a child's preparedness for kindergarten and...

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Race Matters: Unequal Opportunities for Youth in Transition

January 2, 2006

This 2006 fact sheet brings awareness to racial bias and the issue of youth in transition.

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Race Matters: Unequal Opportunities for Neighborhood Vitality

January 2, 2006

This fact sheet brings awareness to neighborhood discrimination as a factor of racial bias.

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Race Matters: Unequal Opportunities for Rural Family Economic Success

January 2, 2006

Economic impact laws that appeared race-neutral have had significant impact on poor people of color in rural areas. This 2006 fact sheet brings awareness to the rural economic...

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Race Matters: Unequal Opportunity in Adolescent Reproductive Health

January 2, 2006

This 2006 fact sheet brings awareness to the issue of racial inequality and teen pregnancy.

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Race Matters: Unequal Opportunities for Family and Community Economic Success

January 2, 2006

This fact sheet offers a quick source for analysis and strategies related to issues of racial inequity surrounding family economic success.

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Social Networks Make a Difference

January 2, 2006

This report — the fourth installment in a five-part series devoted to exploring the power of social networks — opens with an examination of the role that social connections play...

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Race Matters: Unequal Opportunities for Income Security

January 2, 2006

This brief shows the racial barriers to minorities having income security and presents policy strategies to conquer embedded racial discrimination.

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