
Reports, case studies and more from the Casey Foundation and its partners.

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Family to Family: Our Work Flyer

July 22, 2006

This document provides an overview of the Foundation's Family to Family initiative. It lists the principles, outcomes, goals and strategies of the initiative.

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A Long Road Ahead

July 1, 2006

This report examines the performance of the Arkansas child welfare system across a variety of key indicators, from January 2005 to March 2006.

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Casey Connects: Summer 2006

June 21, 2006

This issue of Casey Connects summarizes findings from the 2006 KIDS COUNT Data Book and essay. More specifically: It tells what we should do — and what select programs are...

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Cultural Competence in Workforce Development

June 17, 2006

This report focuses on six sites invested in workforce development as part of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Jobs Initiative. Readers will learn about the cultural competence...

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A Road to Results: Investing in Resources to Achieve Results

May 28, 2006

Learn how Casey’s education portfolio invested, supported and measured grantee programs and performance to achieve foundation goals at the time of this report.

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The Power of Plain Talk

May 1, 2006

Plain Talk is a community-based, parental involvement program aimed at reducing teen pregnancy. This report summarizes results from interviews with leaders in the teen sexuality...

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Teen sits in hallway against a wall in shadow.

Vulnerable Youth

May 1, 2006

This paper, an extension of Casey's 2004 KIDS COUNT Data Book, examines national and state-level trend data on five types of vulnerable youth.

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Race Matters: Community Building Strategies

April 12, 2006

This 2006 fact sheet reviews community-building strategies and the limitations they may have because of unintended racial overtones.

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Promoting Economic Self-Sufficiency as a State TANF Outcome

April 3, 2006

This report encourages states to include economic self-sufficiency as part of the definition of success for people leaving TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families).

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