This report looks at the Casey Foundation’s decades-long journey to promote race equity and inclusion. Learn how Casey embedded equity principles in its operations.
Casey Senior Vice President Ralph Smith reflects on achieving sustainability in the Making Connections initiative without the day-to-day management of the Foundation.
This report traces how various funders—national foundations, smaller local foundations, and government agencies can work together to have an impact on key economic challenges....
The Foundation commissioned this how-to guide for policy outcome evalution because measuring the impact of grant-maker dollars on large-scale social change is difficult at best.
This report provides an update on health foundations created by health care conversions. It shares new information on how these foundations plan for the future, institute...
A focus on racial equity can increase funders' effectiveness at every stage of the grant making process. This guide explores how a racial equity lens can help develop new...
This guidebook is designed to help Casey’s education grantees — and others interested in this topic — through the process of choosing and reporting results-based performance...
This report from Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) gives the historical context of U.S. immigration, its vital and unyielding role in shaping the US and...
The Annie E. Casey Foundation is deeply invested in building a better Baltimore, Maryland. This report checks in on 11 initiatives — including a fatherhood support series, youth...