
Reports, case studies and more from the Casey Foundation and its partners.

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Florida's Employment Restrictions Based on Criminal Records

January 1, 2007

This report examines the barriers to employment for ex-offenders in Florida based on current law and practice, and recommends reforms to the system to improve opportunities for...

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A Cost-Saving Approach

January 1, 2007

The Casey Foundation’s Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) describes how communities in its program have reduced wasteful spending on unnecessary jail time for kids.

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An Effective Public Safety Strategy

January 1, 2007

This report gives insight into the success of detention alternatives when dealing with youth arrests.

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Beyond Detention

January 1, 2007

Beyond Detention is the 14th report in a series about a multiyear, multisite project conducted by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Called the Juvenile Detention Alternatives...

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The Impact of Leadership Development on Early Childhood Education

January 1, 2007

This documentation project explores whether the first statewide and local Leadership in Action Program (LAP) had an impact on the project and the leaders, and if that impact...

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Casey in Seattle

January 1, 2007

Seattle was the home of UPS founder Jim Casey and his siblings, who created the Annie E. Casey Foundation in honor of their mother and committed it to serving disadvantaged...

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Financial Coaching

January 1, 2007

Financial coaching is an emerging approach to help low-income families build financial assets. This report highlights a financial coaching approach and possible outcomes.

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Banking in a Global Market -- Executive Summary

January 1, 2007

This executive summary accompanies a full report that provides users with a step-by-step approach to establishing a remittance program that is beneficial to both consumers and...

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Leadership in Action Program

January 1, 2007

Casey’s Leadership in Action Program delivers hands-on training for people from diverse fields and backgrounds who are working hard to improve results for vulnerable children...

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