
Reports, case studies and more from the Casey Foundation and its partners.

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Casey Connects: Winter 2010-2011

January 5, 2011

This issue of Casey Connects highlights how the Foundation is honoring Jim Casey’s legacy by putting families first. New York City implemented an evidence-based practice...

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Casey works to make evidence-based practice the norm

January 2, 2011

Among other highlights featured in this edition of the Casey Foundation’s newsletter is an overview of how the Foundation seeks to make evidence-based practice the norm in...

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Juvenile Detention Reform: A Guide for County Officials

January 2, 2011

This guidebook captures alternative practices to juvenile detention that counties can imple­ment while cutting costs and increasing public safety.

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The East Baltimore Revitalization Initiative

January 1, 2011

This report documents the progress and lessons learned through the East Baltimore Revitalization Initiative, a large-scale community and economic development project to...

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Building Economic Security in America's Cities

January 1, 2011

This report details the efforts of the Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE) Coalition to develop strategies, address common challenges and share knowledge to help put their...

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When a Parent is Incarcerated

January 1, 2011

Parenting from jail can be difficult without some help from assigned social workers.

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Who Are America’s Poor Children?

January 1, 2011

This report explores health disparities between poor and nonpoor kids in five areas: environmental health, health insurance coverage, access to health care services, healthy...

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Counting is Not Enough

January 1, 2011

This report—the first field-study of its kind—evaluates an increasingly popular performance-monitoring tool, the Qualitative Case Review (QCR), while offering tips for enhancing...

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The Changing Child Population of the United States

January 1, 2011

In 2010, the number of children in the United States was at an all-time high of 74.2 million. Learn about the changing number of children in the US based on census data and the...

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