
Reports, case studies and more from the Casey Foundation and its partners.

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Creating Life-Changing Pathways for Families

May 3, 2011

This brochure describes Casey's investment in an impoverished section of Atlanta, Georgia, and invites partners to support expansion of the work.

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East Baltimore Snapshot

May 2, 2011

This snapshot speeds through nine years of an ambitious development project aimed at transforming Maryland’s East Baltimore neighborhood — home to disproportionally high rates...

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A Call to Action: Safeguarding New York's Children of Incarcerated Parents

May 2, 2011

This report draws attention to the needs of children whose parents are in the criminal justice system, and describes how good support systems can minimize these children's...

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Melting Pot Cities and Suburbs

May 1, 2011

The racial and ethnic distribution of population in the United States is changing, as the 2010 Census revealed. This report debunks old myths while revealing why cities and...

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When Work Supports Don’t Support Work

May 1, 2011

This brief tells how Mississippi’s work support system fails to support working families. Readers will learn about gaps in the state’s parental health insurance coverage and...

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Bridges to Manhood

May 1, 2011

The juvenile probation office in Cook County, IL, created a fatherhood program to keep delinquent dads on track toward probation. This report details that program.

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Linking Home-Based Child Care and State-Funded Preschool

May 1, 2011

This report describes an evaluation of the Community Connections preschool program model, which incorporates classroom-based and home provider-based elements.

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KIDS COUNT Data Snapshot on Foster Care Placement

May 1, 2011

This Data Snapshot highlights newly available data on the KIDS COUNT Data Center marking the progress made by many states to increase the rates of children in foster care who...

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Foster Care to 21: Doing it Right

April 19, 2011

This issue brief outlines critical questions and policy moves for states to consider when extending foster care to age 21. It champions comprehensive,...

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