This report looks at the Casey Foundation’s decades-long journey to promote race equity and inclusion. Learn how Casey embedded equity principles in its operations.
Working with partners ranging from residents to businesses to schools to assistance agencies, this Washington, D.C. collaborative is establishing the groundwork to keep kids...
This report outlines and evaluates the results of the Center for Employment Opportunity program, which aims to help former prisoners improve their job prospects and reduce the...
This complete 2-day training program prepares future trainers to teach the child welfare Lifelong Families practice model and the Replication Manual training.
The Casey Foundation created this step-by-step practice guide with several online appendices to help child welfare agencies understand Icebreaker family meetings and shift into...
This complete 2-day training guide for social workers focuses specifically on achieving and sustaining permanency for children and youth in foster care through adoption.
This publication presents class action litigation information from varying perspectives. It is hoped the “lessons learned” will improve state and local child welfare systems...
The Lifelong Families model readies youth in foster care for permanent families. This manual details the social worker/family team planning and execution needed to ensure...
This logic model outlines the assumptions, components and expected outcomes of the Lifelong Families practice model for moving kids from foster care to permanency placement.
This report provides an executive summary of FAMILY Comes First, a comprehensive effort to analyze and improve the practice of engaging families in the juvenile justice system.