
Reports, case studies and more from the Casey Foundation and its partners.

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Probationtoolkit overview

Talking About Youth Probation, Diversion and Restorative Justice

November 9, 2022

This tool kit lever­ages pub­lic per­cep­tion research to help juve­nile jus­tice prac­ti­tion­ers and oth­er experts become bet­ter com­mu­ni­ca­tors to advance reforms. View now.

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Four adults sitting in a room.

The Essential Need for Partnering With Youth and Families to Fundamentally Transform Youth Probation

October 18, 2022

Juvenile justice agencies must partner with youth and families to transform youth probation. Learn now to put these partnerships to work.

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Young black man wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt and jean jacket smiles at the camera

Diversion: A Hidden Key to Combating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Juvenile Justice

September 19, 2022

Diverting youth from court involvement should be a central focus in efforts to reduce racial disparities and improve outcomes. Read why.

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Black dot grid design with arrows of various colors zig zagging across it

Community-Based Workforce Engagement Supports for Youth and Young Adults Involved in the Criminal Legal System

June 22, 2022

This report explores how workforce development programs can better meet the needs of youth and young adults who have justice-system experience.

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And older man and a older boy on pavement, playing soccer.

Family-Engaged Case Planning

February 7, 2022

This practice guide helps juvenile justice agencies implement family-engaged case planning in youth probation. Read it now.

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Aecf youthincarcerationinfographic preview 2021

Youth Incarceration in the United States

December 14, 2021

A two-page infographic presents trends in youth incarceration and recommends more effective responses than incarceration when young people break the law.

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A group of young people with masks standing outside a building. At least two are wearing bookbags.

Back-to-School Action Guide

September 7, 2021

A guide to using federal pandemic relief funds to rethink K–12 education and close the school-to-prison pipeline. Learn more now.

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whhite woman in a black robe, with people out of focus seated behind her. She is holding papers.

The Role of the Judge in Transforming Juvenile Probation

July 29, 2021

A tool kit for helping judges jump start or accelerate probation transformation efforts in their jurisdictions.

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PREVIEW IMG urban transformingjuvenileprobation preview 2021

Transforming Juvenile Probation

April 27, 2021

Juvenile probation term lengths should be only as long as is necessary to connect youth with any needed support and services in their communities and should be designed to...

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