
Reports, case studies and more from the Casey Foundation and its partners.

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Reporting on Race in the 21st Century

August 1, 2015

This report is packed with recommendations on how newsrooms and journalists can dig deeper — and report more responsibly — when covering racial disparities in America. It...

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Aecf 2015kidscountdatabook preview 2015

2015 KIDS COUNT Data Book

July 21, 2015

The Annie E. Casey Foundation's 2015 KIDS COUNT® Data Book signals that the U.S. economy is finally starting to bounce back from the Great Recession. Learn more about how this...

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Trauma Informed Community Building Evaluation Infographic

July 21, 2015

This infographic illustrates the community-building principles and activities implemented as part of the Trauma Informed Community Building model in the Potrero Hill...

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Trauma Informed Community Building Evaluation

July 20, 2015

This evaluation examines the implications and impact of the Trauma Informed Community Building (TICB) model implemented in Potrero Hill communities as part of San Fransicso's...

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Mobility, Career Pathways, and the Landscape of Employer and Youth Engagement in the South

July 11, 2015

This issue brief examines the two key elements needed to connect southern young adults with rewarding employment opportunities: engaging employers and youth. Case studies from...

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Maltreatment of Youth in U.S. Juvenile Corrections Facilities

June 24, 2015

This report introduces new evidence on the widespread violence in juvenile detention centers. Learn more about the uncovered problems with juvenile detention centers in 39...

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Changing the Odds

June 24, 2015

This report examines Atlanta through its 25 neighborhood planning units and highlights how place and race present persistent barriers that keep kids, particularly those of...

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Opportunity Passport - June 2015

June 9, 2015

This brief shows the impact of the Opportunity Passport™ financial literacy campaign on youth leaving foster care.

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Every Kid Needs a Family

May 19, 2015

This KIDS COUNT policy report underscores a simple fact about childhood: Family matters. Yet, today in America, 57,000 children are still living in group placements. Readers...

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