This report looks at the Casey Foundation’s decades-long journey to promote race equity and inclusion. Learn how Casey embedded equity principles in its operations.
This guide reviews 400 years of child welfare and juvenile justice systems in the United States. It is part of the Equity Conversation Guides For Young Leaders and Partners...
This guide introduces concepts and terms that are relevant to advancing equity and inclusion. It is part of the Equity Conversation Guides For Young Leaders and Partners series...
The Annie E. Casey Foundation lays out its vision for transforming juvenile probation into a focused intervention that promotes personal growth, positive behavior change and...
This report, designed to aid funders, shares lessons and recommendations that are based on the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s experience with a two-generation initiative aimed at...
The Casey Foundation shares its vision for transforming juvenile probation into a focused intervention that promotes personal growth, positive behavior change and long-term...
This report checks in on a multiyear, five-site initiative launched by the Annie E. Casey Foundation in 2016. Called Generation Work, this initiative explores new ways of...
This brief shares nine strategies for implementing and sustaining evidence-based programs to support students’ social and emotional health. Input from administrators in seven...
This report promotes African-American business ownership as a pathway to building community wealth in Atlanta. Published by Prosperity Now, the report examines the harsh...