
Reports, case studies and more from the Casey Foundation and its partners.

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Consider the Alternatives

May 2, 1999

This report urges juvenile justice officials to abandon detention’s standard all-or-nothing approach in favor of a new option: A continuum of alternatives that maintains public...

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Effective Language for Communicating Children’s Issues

May 1, 1999

This report addresses the media’s depictions of children’s issues and outlines the effective use of strategic communications to change the way these issues are framed in order...

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Controlling the Front Gates

April 2, 1999

This report is packed with examples and suggestions to help jurisdictions to make fair, efficient and rational decisions about the detention center admission process. It is part...

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Collaboration and Leadership in Juvenile Detention

March 2, 1999

This report explores the roles of teamwork and leadership in advancing complex detention reform. It shares the journeys, regrets and field-tested tips of sites participating in...

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Planning for Juvenile Detention Reforms

February 2, 1999

This planning approach is designed to help jurisdictions gain an accurate understanding of their own detention policies, practices and problems. Its structured planning model...

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The Eye of the Storm

January 1, 1999

This report candidly recalls Casey’s first attempt at system reform efforts at the community level. Through reflections from two of the leaders, the truth about this failed...

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Overview: The JDAI Story

January 1, 1999

Th is publication provides an overview of the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI), a multi-million dollar, five year, five-site experiment designed to streamline...

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Ensuring That Adoptions Succeed is in Everyone's Best Interest

December 9, 1998

Failed adoptions are an increasing trend, and result in trauma to the children who are directly affected. This article makes the case for pre- and post-adoptive services to...

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Plain Talk

March 8, 1998

This is the story of how five different communities worked to protect local youth from the risks of early sexual activity. It is a narrative rooted in community organizing and...

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