
Reports, case studies and more from the Casey Foundation and its partners.

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Casey Connects: Fall 2000

September 24, 2000

Family strengthening is the focus for this issue of Casey Connects as 3 community-empowering initiatives are highlighted: KIDS COUNT; FAMILIES COUNT; and TARC — Casey's...

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Relative Strength

September 3, 2000

This report explores family-centered employment strategies, beginning with a look at the reasons why some families live in poverty.

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Connecting Families to Jobs

August 14, 2000

A comprehensive guide to strategies for connecting low-income workers to jobs that pay family-supporting wages and provide flexibility and assistance to parents raising children.

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Meeting the Housing Needs of Families

July 2, 2000

This technical assistance guide outlines key ideas, effective approaches and available housing technical assistance resources for the cities and site teams of Casey's 10-year...

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Casey Connects: Summer 2000

June 24, 2000

This issue of Casey Connects highlights the 2000 KIDS COUNT Data Book essay along with Casey initiatives and partnerships out to transform the lives of vulnerable families and...

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Walking the Plain Talk

June 13, 2000

Plain Talk is a teen pregnancy prevention program targeting low-income communities that the Case Foundation incubated.

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Evaluation of Systems Reform in the AECF Mental Health Initiative for Urban Children

May 1, 2000

This is a comprehensive evaluation of the institutional change efforts presented during the Casey Foundation’s five-year, community-wide project to improve mental health...

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Developing a Neighborhood-Focused Agenda

March 30, 2000

This guide shows how city governments can become more neighborhood-focused to improve blighted conditions in inner cities across the United States.

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Building More Effective Community Schools

March 29, 2000

This report helped cities and site teams navigate education-related issues as part of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Making Connections initiative. It shares vital know-how,...

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