This report looks at the Casey Foundation’s decades-long journey to promote race equity and inclusion. Learn how Casey embedded equity principles in its operations.
This report summarizes the lessons learned by the Casey Foundation in its implemetation of a reformed foster care strategy in which child welfare agencies work with families and...
This report examines the current state of Camden, New Jersey at the time of this report and the story behind its downfall. It also outlines critical next steps for jumpstarting...
Between 1993 and 1998, the Annie E. Casey Foundation rolled out a pregnancy prevention initiative called Plain Talk in five low-income urban neighborhoods. This report utilizes...
This issue of Casey Connects spotlights transitions. It unveils three new Foundation initiatives breaking fresh ground and highlights the racially impactful, Oscar-nominated...
This report compares two reform initiatives with nearly identical objectives yet drastically different final chapters. Readers will learn how officials successfully reduced...
This issue of Casey Connects features three distinctive conferences highlighting Making Connections and the ever-expanding network of critical Casey partnerships.
This report shares results of a study that asked if states were concerned about crowd out under the State Children’s Health Insurance Program and, if so, how they were...
This issue of AdvoCasey examines options for providing tax breaks to those who need them most — poor and near-poor working families. Readers will also learn about critical...