
Reports, case studies and more from the Casey Foundation and its partners.

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Casey Connects: Summer 2001

June 2, 2001

This issue of Casey Connects spotlights transitions. It unveils three new Foundation initiatives breaking fresh ground and highlights the racially impactful, Oscar-nominated...

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Family Circles, Sharing Our Experiences

May 17, 2001

This paper describes using study circles to engage residents in three Making Connections initiative neighborhoods.

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Replicating Detention Reform

April 2, 2001

This report compares two reform initiatives with nearly identical objectives yet drastically different final chapters. Readers will learn how officials successfully reduced...

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Casey Connects: Spring 2001

April 2, 2001

This issue of Casey Connects features three distinctive conferences highlighting Making Connections and the ever-expanding network of critical Casey partnerships.

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Has the Jury Reached a Verdict?

March 28, 2001

This report shares results of a study that asked if states were concerned about crowd out under the State Children’s Health Insurance Program and, if so, how they were...

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AdvoCasey: Spring 2001

March 21, 2001

This issue of AdvoCasey examines options for providing tax breaks to those who need them most — poor and near-poor working families. Readers will also learn about critical...

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School to Career and Postsecondary Education for Foster Care Youth

March 14, 2001

This report presents actual programs and services available for foster care youth to establish a pathway out of poverty to college and high-paying careers.

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Promoting and Sustaining Detention Reforms

March 2, 2001

Readers will learn what sites did, didn’t do, and wish they had done differently to launch and sustain successful detention reforms in their jurisdictions. These hard-earned...

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Special Detention Cases

February 2, 2001

This report tells sites how to reduce rates of unnecessary detention for three distinct groups of youth: minors with warrants, probation violators and post-adjudication...

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