This report looks at the Casey Foundation’s decades-long journey to promote race equity and inclusion. Learn how Casey embedded equity principles in its operations.
This paper focuses on state efforts to extend health insurance coverage to low-income Americans. It reviews the mechanisms available to do so and identifies 13 innovative states...
This edition of AdvoCasey explores how welfare reform has evolved to reconnect families to the economic mainstream. It spotlights welfare-to-work models that are helping...
This issue of Casey Connects uses KIDS COUNT Data Book statistics to examine how American families are faring in the wake of welfare reform. A second story spotlights a Juvenile...
Written for caregivers of foster youth, this guide gives concrete direction in teaching financial skills to help foster kids find their dreams and have the money to make them...
This workbook, part of a 2-book set, is designed to stimulate conversations with foster children, ages 12 to 15, about investing money, being a savvy shopper and using a credit...
This guide, written for teenagers in foster care, provides the knowledge and skills necessary to be financially savvy and able to save for your future.
This workbook is designed to teach foster children, ages 8 to 11, practical skills about shopping, such as keeping a spending diary, being a smart shopper and understanding...
This manual, created for Casey's Family to Family grantees, shows how team decisionmaking works as a strategy for permanence in family foster care system, and how state agencies...