
Reports, case studies and more from the Casey Foundation and its partners.

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New Casey Foundation brief offers eight principles to transform the juvenile justice system.

Eight Principles to Transform Care for Young People in the Justice System

October 6, 2019

This issue brief identifies eight principles that every juvenile justice system should embrace to transform care for youth in custody. Click here to learn more about serving...

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Mom and son doing homework

Children Living in High-Poverty, Low-Opportunity Neighborhoods

September 24, 2019

This snapshot shares the latest data — for the nation and each state — on children growing up in high-poverty areas. It also singles out two important factors, geographic...

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Hatcher takingaction preview 2019

Taking Action

August 26, 2019

Funded by the Annie E. Casey and Joyce foundations, this report examines educational and employment disparities in the United States and highlights policies, programs and...

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Aecf whatsthereturnoninvestment preview 2019

What’s the Return on Investment?

August 19, 2019

In this brief, child welfare leaders and agencies learn about an approach, called placement day analysis, that calculates the financial impact of diverting or shortening child...

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Pennstate aroadmaptoquality preview 2019

A Road Map to Quality Collective Impact Programming With Fiscal Independence

August 19, 2019

This report examines how the Rhode Island’s Providence Children and Youth Cabinet (CYC) has changed since adopting the Evidence2Success® framework seven years ago. During this...

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Childtrends variationinkinshipdiversion preview 2019

Variations in the Use of Kinship Diversion Among Child Welfare Agencies

August 14, 2019

This brief shares insights and opinions on the use of kinship diversion as a preventative practice in child welfare. Its findings stem from four main sources: field work,...

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Aecf recruitingfosterparentsinoklahoma preview 2019

Recruiting Foster Parents and Strengthening Child Welfare in Oklahoma

August 7, 2019

In 2014, the Annie E. Casey Foundation partnered with the state of Oklahoma to introduce effective strategies to recruit and retain more foster families while shutting down...

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Childtrends doesyourchildwelfare preview 2019

Does Your Child Welfare Agency Divert Children to Kin?

August 5, 2019

This guide helps child welfare agencies deploy a simple online survey — the Kinship Diversion Estimation Tool — to gain a better understanding of how and when caseworkers are...

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Keys to Your Financial Future from the Annie E. Casey Foundation

Keys to Your Financial Future Participant Guides

July 23, 2019

This overview, written for older youth and young adults with foster care experience, introduces a curriculum aimed at helping participants gain the skills and know-how needed to...

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