Casey Foundation Names Allison Gerber Vice President for the Center for Economic Opportunity

The Foundation has named Allison Gerber the new vice president of its Center for Economic Opportunity. Read the announcement.
The Foundation has named Allison Gerber the new vice president of its Center for Economic Opportunity. Read the announcement.
Learn about the negative impact of COVID-19 on education. Explore key findings on learning loss resulting from the pandemic today.
The Casey Foundation’s 2024 Changing the Odds shows Black Atlantans continue to lack access to opportunities. Learn more about the report's findings.
Race for Results identifies gaps in child well-being that persist in every state across race and ethnicity. Read the press release.
Learn about how the high cost of child care hurts families and the economy. Explore the obstacles created by inaccessible and unaffordable child care.
Children accounted for just 22% of the country’s total population in 2020, an all-time low, according to an analysis released by Casey Foundation.
Xander Perry succeeds May Ng as vice president and chief investment officer at the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Learn more.
"Preventing and Ending Youth Homelessness in America" calls for urgent action to address the homelessness crisis affecting millions of young people.
Children in America are in the midst of a mental health crisis, struggling with anxiety and depression. Explore state-by-state data.
The Casey Foundation has selected 15 leaders for the twelfth class of its Children and Family Fellowship. Read who is in the new class.
As a new federal site aids child tax credit access, the Casey Foundation’s report urges making the expansion permanent. See state-by-state data.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation has named Stephen Plank its new vice president of Research, Evaluation, Evidence and Data.
Thriving Families, Safer Children: A National Commitment to Well-Being includes child welfare jurisdictions in 22 states and a sovereign tribal nation.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation has named Patrice Cromwell as vice president for its Center for Economic Opportunity.
A Casey Foundation report urges policy action as COVID-19 left millions struggling with finances, school, work and mental health. Learn more.
Thriving Families, Safer Children shifts from reactive child protection to family support, preventing maltreatment and unnecessary separations. Read more.
The Casey Foundation released the 2020 edition of the KIDS COUNT Data Book, an annual resource that tracks child well-being nationally and state by state and ranks the states accordingly. Learn why the Foundation released this year's report during the COVID-19 crisis.
A new survey of juvenile justice agencies across the United States found the rate of young people admitted to detention fell 52% in March and April — a decline in two months equal to one that took place over 13 years.
A survey of juvenile justice agencies in 30 states has found that the number of young people in local secure detention centers fell by 24% in March 2020. Learn more about the results of this survey.
Six local organizations have received grants in a collaborative effort to help entrepreneurs of color overcome obstacles to starting and growing businesses in Baltimore City and the surrounding region. Learn how funders are supporting local small businesses.