What is the Supplemental Child Poverty Rate in Your State?

Posted February 25, 2015
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog whatis SP Minyourstate 2015

To bet­ter under­stand how fam­i­lies are far­ing, the U.S. Cen­sus Bureau cre­at­ed the Sup­ple­men­tal Pover­ty Mea­sure (SPM) in 2011, bas­ing it on decades of research. The SPM mea­sures the impact of a num­ber of impor­tant social pro­grams such as SNAP and the Earned Income Tax Cred­it (EITC) and accounts for ris­ing costs and oth­er changes that affect a family’s bud­get. Unlike the offi­cial pover­ty mea­sure, the SPM is adjust­ed for geo­graph­ic vari­a­tions in the cost of living.

The child pover­ty rates by state vary dra­mat­i­cal­ly using the SPM, accord­ing to Mea­sur­ing Access to Opp­por­tu­ni­ty in the Unit­ed States, a new KIDS COUNT data snap­shot. Region­al pat­terns dif­fer from the tra­di­tion­al pover­ty mea­sure. Using the SPM, Cal­i­for­nia has the high­est child pover­ty rate among states, fol­lowed by Ari­zona and Neva­da. States with some of the largest child pop­u­la­tions, like Flori­da, New York and Texas, have among the high- est child pover­ty rates, using the SPM. The low­est rates are in the upper Mid­west and north­ern New England.

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