Webinar: Young People Share Insights on Getting and Keeping Youth Involved in Programs

Posted September 19, 2016
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog youngpeopleshareinsightswebinar 2016

When par­tic­i­pat­ing in pro­grams, young peo­ple have mul­ti­ple moments when they decide to stay or go. When exact­ly are those moments? How do we man­age the line between young peo­ple who make it and those who don’t?

The Foundation’s Regi­na Sal­liey explored these and oth­er ques­tions in an inter­ac­tive webi­nar that fea­tured inter­views with sev­er­al young lead­ers offer­ing their per­spec­tives on engage­ment and reten­tion strate­gies that have worked for them. These young peo­ple shared their sto­ries and specif­i­cal­ly reflect­ed on what kept them away from pro­grams — and what it took to get and keep them involved.

Watch the Record­ing of Should I Stay or Should I Go? Youth Engage­ment and Reten­tion Strategies