Webinar Series to Highlight 10 Practices of High-Performing Child Welfare Agencies

For more than two decades, the Casey Foundation has worked with child welfare agencies to test and implement effective child welfare practices and improve outcomes for kids and families.
We are now sharing what we’ve learned in a series of three webinars. The first webinar in 2016 — 10 Practices to Building a High-Performing Child Welfare Agency: An Overview — will be held Jan. 12, from 2–3 p.m. EST. In this session, learn how to gauge your agency’s effectiveness and chart a course toward measureable improvement.
Register for the first webinar
Other Upcoming Child Welfare Webinars
Addressing Racial Disparities: Data Strategies for Measuring and Promoting Equity in Child Welfare Agencies
April 5, 2– 3 p.m. EST
Agency leaders, managers and data staff will learn to identify at which decision points children of different races experience inequitable outcomes, then measure the effectiveness of improvement efforts. Registration information will be shared four weeks in advance.
Getting to Permanence: The Practices of High-Performing Child Welfare Agencies
June 8, 2– 3 p.m. EST
How do the most effective agencies make family relationships and permanence the focus of their casework? A look at practices that improve and build family relationships for all children who come to the attention of your agency. Registration information will be shared four weeks in advance.
For a preview of this material, download A Child Welfare Leader’s Desk Guide to Building a High-Performing Agency.
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