Webinar Recording: Improving Permanency Outcomes for Older Youth

Posted August 12, 2016
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog webinarpermanencyoutcomes 2016

The Jim Casey Youth Oppor­tu­ni­ties Ini­tia­tives webi­nar, Improv­ing Per­ma­nen­cy Out­comes for Old­er Youth, high­lights ways states can reduce the use of Anoth­er Planned Per­ma­nent Liv­ing Arrange­ment (APPLA) and improve per­ma­nen­cy out­comes for old­er youth. The webi­nar is the fifth in a six-part series titled, Lever­ag­ing the Strength­en­ing Fam­i­lies Act.

The Pre­vent­ing Sex Traf­fick­ing and Strength­en­ing Fam­i­lies Act (SFA) con­tains pro­vi­sions to help increase the num­ber of youth placed in per­ma­nent fam­i­lies and con­nect­ed with car­ing adults as they tran­si­tion to adult­hood. The law does this, in part, by restrict­ing the use of APPLA. The webi­nar fea­tured addi­tion­al resources, includ­ing the Fund­ing Youth Per­ma­nen­cy Guide, that can be found at the Fam­i­lies NOW website.

Pre­sen­ters for this webi­nar included:

  • Hope Coop­er
    Child wel­fare consultant
    True North Group

  • Gail John­son Vaughan
    Direc­tor emerita/​chief per­ma­nen­cy officer
    Fam­i­lies NOW

  • Jen­ny Pokempner
    Child wel­fare pol­i­cy director
    Juve­nile Law Center

Pre­vi­ous webi­na­rs in this series:

Reg­is­ter now for the sixth and final webi­nar in the series.

Mod­el Exten­sion of Care and Re-Entry Poli­cies — Cre­at­ing a Legal Struc­ture that Pro­motes Engagement

2 p.m. – 3 p.m. ET, Sept. 292016

More than half the states have extend­ed fos­ter care beyond age 18, but many are strug­gling to build a sys­tem that engages youth and serves them well. This webi­nar will explore key com­po­nents of a youth-engag­ing extend­ed fos­ter care sys­tem. This ses­sion will explore mod­el pro­grams and poli­cies in var­i­ous states as well as reform plans. It will also exam­ine how states can lever­age SFA pro­vi­sions to improve the qual­i­ty of extend­ed fos­ter care.