Webinar on Essential Ingredients for Lasting Community Change

Posted December 8, 2014
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog webinaronessentialingredients 2014

The Cen­ter for the Study of Social Pol­i­cy is host­ing a webi­nar this Wednes­day focused on the core capac­i­ties need­ed to achieve last­ing com­mu­ni­ty change. The webi­nar will focus on lessons from our Mak­ing Con­nec­tions ini­tia­tive and high­light research from our recent report cap­tur­ing local per­spec­tives on the ini­tia­tive and the capac­i­ties com­mu­ni­ties devel­oped that ulti­mate­ly led to improve­ments in sys­tems, pro­grams and the lives of kids and families. 

Dis­cov­er how the Mak­ing Con­nec­tions com­mu­ni­ties increased their capac­i­ty to con­duct results-focused work in terms of devel­op­ing strong local lead­er­ship, sol­id part­ner­ships and shared use of data — and by engag­ing com­mu­ni­ty res­i­dents as deci­sion makers.

The ses­sion will iden­ti­fy the key capac­i­ties com­mu­ni­ties need to be effec­tive in mobi­liz­ing for last­ing change, how these increased capac­i­ties led to changes in out­comes for chil­dren and fam­i­lies and the invest­ments that can help sup­port and strength­en them over time.

When: Wednes­day, Dec. 10, 2014, at 3 p.m. EDT

Juani­ta Gal­lion, senior con­sul­tant, Cen­ter for the Study of Social Pol­i­cy (mod­er­a­tor) 
Scott Hebert, prin­ci­pal con­sul­tant, Sus­tained Impact 
Sili Savusa, exec­u­tive direc­tor, White Cen­ter Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment Association 
Dana Jack­son Thomp­son, for­mer direc­tor, Net­work Cen­ter for Com­mu­ni­ty Change 
Hen­ri­et­ta Munoz, vice pres­i­dent, Grants Research and Eval­u­a­tion, Unit­ed Way of San Anto­nio and Bexar County
Lam­ont Hulse, leader, The Com­mu­ni­ty Workshop

Reg­is­ter for the webinar