Watch the Webinar: Responsible Demolition and Land Reuse

Posted March 25, 2019
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Community Matters webinar

On March 7, 2019, the Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion host­ed a webi­nar explor­ing respon­si­ble demo­li­tion pro­to­cols and strate­gies to repur­pose blight­ed prop­er­ties into vibrant, pro­duc­tive areas.

Experts from Bal­ti­more, Detroit and the non­prof­it Cen­ter for Com­mu­ni­ty Progress shared best prac­tices to pro­tect res­i­dents and the envi­ron­ment while boost­ing jobs dur­ing redevelopment.

High­light­ed strate­gies include:

  • train­ing and hir­ing local res­i­dents to assist with demo­li­tion and decon­struc­tion efforts;
  • wet­ting con­struc­tion sites to man­age the haz­ards of lead and asbestos;
  • pro­vid­ing ade­quate fenc­ing dur­ing demolition;
  • giv­ing res­i­dents in the area notice of con­struc­tion plans; and
  • remov­ing debris carefully.

This webi­nar ses­sion is part of the Casey Foundation’s Com­mu­ni­ty Mat­ters series, which delves into com­plex issues relat­ed to com­mu­ni­ty change and the lessons that Casey and oth­er orga­ni­za­tions have learned from their work in neigh­bor­hoods nationwide.

Read Casey reports about both cities’ pro­to­cols for respon­si­ble demolitions

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